A Tribute to Our Fallen Partners
The bonds we have with our K-9 partners are like no other. We not only serve by their sides 40 hours each week, we also bring them home with us at the end of every shift. And, when our K-9s retire, we continue to give them love and care for the remainder of their days. They truly become an irreplaceable part of our families and our lives.
For that reason, it is exceptionally difficult when a K-9 passes away. Whether it happens abruptly in the line of duty or peacefully at the end of a long retirement, the death of a K-9 partner leaves a painful void in our hearts.
Fortunately, the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office has not had to experience the death of a working K-9, and we hope we never will. We would, however, like to say “thank you” to our beloved partners who have passed away, after many years of service to our community.
Ghera, partner of James Douglas
Chase, partner of Jason Cantrell
Hanno, partner of Scott Duffner
Ivan, partner of Virgina Tinoco
Alf, partner of Matt Delahuerta
Falk, partner of Danny Thompson
Basko, partner of Mike Horne and Mike Aranda
Dago, partner of Chuck Buttell
Zigan, partner of Steve Rhods and Mike Kennedy
Barry, partner of Craig Adford
Fibi, partner of Damian Alvarez
Falk, partner of Steve Wade
Pascha, partner of Steve Wade and Joe Rivas
Kai, partner of Joe Rivas and Mike Izquierdo
Blitz, partner of Al Moussa and Debbie DeMattia
Uras, partner of Al Moussa
Kim, partner of Nancy Alaniz
Bar, partner of Harold Orr
Vok, partner of Dave Sparks
Balu, partner of Dean Worthy
Duro, partner of Scott Hardy
Edi, partner of Tony Aguirre
Henk, partner of Tyler Liljekvist
Canto, partner of Cory Rubright and Bobby Marks
Ben, partner of Gene Martinez and Scott Duffner
Ben, partner of Mike Izquierdo and Scott Sedgwick
Ahron, partner of Brian Slominski
Vex, partner of Scott Reeder
Dano, partner of Dani Delpit
Varo, partner of Colin Witchell
Duro, partner of Greg Guilin
Rene, partner of John Nicolas
Tommy, partner of Jon Carver
Yoschi, partner of Scott Reeder